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Becoming a volunteer

The Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality has a large selection of volunteering initiatives within associations, networks, homework cafés, mentor corps, study groups etc.


    You can volunteer in different kinds of social, sports, cultural or integration associations. It is also possible to volunteer at e.g. a nursing home or at schools, helping students with their homework.

    But you can also start up new initiatives such as an association, a network or an event which you feel are lacking in the municipality.

    We are happy to guide you.

    How to become a volunteer:

    You can volunteer in one of the many voluntary associations in Lyngby-Taarbæk. At the Frivilligcenter & Selvhjælp Lyngby-Taarbæk (the Volunteer & Self-help Centre) you can talk to the staff about which associations currently need volunteers.

    You can also get more information about the organizations and local associations in the municipality.

    You can also volunteer in one of the municipality institutions, e.g. at a nursing home, a nursery or a residence for people with disabilities.

    You can get guidance and further information at the Frivilligcenter & Selvhjælp Lyngby-Taarbæk. 

    If you have an idea for a new volunteering initiative that you would like to start up, our Volunteer Consultant at the municipality or the Frivilligcenter & Selvhjælp Lyngby-Taarbæk will gladly assist you with guidance. – an online meeting platform to expand your social network

    At this platform you can find other people to share your interests and activities with – whether this being a walking or running buddy, a knitting club, a food club, new acquaintances etc. At Boblberg you can find new communities, or you can create your own.  Boblberg is for everyone and it is completely free.
